Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I will finally survive...

Today was quite a day in LanZhou.

Now that I have advanced Chinese class at 8:30AM EVERY MORNING FOR TWO HOURS, I don't get to join the group for breakfast. Well, Lucy (New Zealand girl who is also in the advanced class) and I decided we would try breakfast on the street. We woke up early and heading to class craving the delicious street food we saw on the first two morning walks to class. Well, usually in China you eat lots of food and you don't know what it is. This was the case this morning, we stopped at the stand and told the lady we wanted 2 of whatever she had. Bread, which was great, but then she started to stuff our bread with all sorts of things we didn't recognize. There were only three things in the sandwich (I don't really know what to call it) that we recognized - carrots, potatoes, and something that looked like Chicken. The rest of the sandwich consisted of green gooey things, brown smelly things, and some other ingredients that it's better we don't know what they are. Let me just say that I will never have breakfast there AGAIN.

CLASS - We had our first Chinese writing class today and it was CRAZY. We have a total of three classes: Advanced Speaking, Advanced Listening, and Advances Writing. Speaking and listening are fine, but the writing class is way way way too hard for me. Not only does the teacher only speak Chinese, but she speaks at 10000000000000000 miles (I mean, kilometers) per hour. Not only that, but she didn't realize that it was our first time in the class and she kept calling on us to recite the homework which I didn't do! Ugh. I think it is because she studied in Russia!

There is an awesome grocery store next to the school that I hadn't quite explored until today and God was smiling at me from above because I found OREOS! OREOS - I know now that I will survive my time in China because if all else fails I can EAT OREOS ALL DAY! THANK YOU OREO GOD!


  1. Hey Carlos, I'm glad to hear that you are having fun. Now, remember that they like to eat monkeys, dogs, cats and some other "exotic" animals. If you happen to eat one of those, please let us know what is the taste like just to compliment your chinese experience :)

  2. Hey Carlos we would like to know the phone number of one of your roommates (the one helping us with the face paint) We haven't heard anything from her.

  3. CarlosMASTER!!! Anything brown and mysterious can be classified as a "mushroom". It made me feel better about what I was eating over there :)
