Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What the blog is that about!

Months! It has been months since I have updated this blog. Why? Cause my life just simply isn't as interesting to anyone now that I am back in Tulsa. Although, from time to time I think, "Wow, that was cool, maybe I should blog about it," but I don't. Instead my social media obsessed-self looks for other outlets of communication with the entire world. Mostly, Twitter and Facebook.

Work - 45 hours of my week are spent at work. Doing what you may ask... Can't say, I would have to kill you, and since you are a dedicated reader of my blog I just can't risk losing your statistic. I work in the Contracts, Bids & Proposal department of a company that does training and simulation for the military. Mostly government contracting and administration. Pretty great stuff. My boss is friendly and rather great. Co-workers are amazing and I would have been friends with them in high school - This is my new cataloging of friendworthyness that I have begun to use. I think to myself "would I have talked to this person in high school?" If the answer is yes, then welcome to the club, but no, well, you probably aren't reading this blog.

Caravan - believe it or not, I think about 10% of my time each month is spent at Tulsa's little gem, Caravan. Caravan, what is that? If you are asking, then its probably because you have never been to visit me in Tulsa, for every person that is ever to step on Okie soil is sure to be carried, by one friend or another to Caravan. Caravan Cattle Co. is the official name and line-dancing is their game. Image you are at a carnival, but everyone is dressed in boots, jeans and plaid (there are a few clown there, but I try my best to avoid them). This place would definitely be on Stefon's weekend clubs to attend if he were the SNL Weekend Update Tulsa Correspondent. It's got everything - midgets, people in wheelchairs, muffin mama's (This is when a ladies jeans are so tight and sparkly that it presses every inch of fat over the top - creating a muffin silhouette.), old creepers, frat boys, brides-to-be, pregnany ladies, cowboys, cowgirls, people from Bethlehem, free beers for ladies (Only beneficial in persuading ladies to attend, which helps my probability of a dance pretty high) and dancing fools. Wonderful little place - I suggest you check it out.

Other - You know how there is always an 'other' category in things? Everything else I have been up to would fall into this category. Other activities include eating, mostly because any other thing I do has something to do with eating. Baking! I bake quite often, but in the end it really is only to the benefit of my jaw muscle and to make my friends like me. Going out with friends, usually to eat something. Hosting parties, usually food is involved. Visiting my family, food is most definitely always involved. Eating - I think every one's world kind of revolves around this simple verb. Eat.

Plans, hopes and updates to this blog - I will update it whenever I find fit! I hope this will be more than once every three months.

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